
Ampara District's population of 629,664 is about 81% rural and fairly evenly distributed by sex (50.36% male - 49.64% female). The population density in the district is about 142 people per square mile, but coastal areas in the north are very densely populated, with over 1,501 people per square mile in the Kalmunai area. The literacy rate is around 76% and the percentage of population by age group is as follows:

  • under 10 - 19.60%
  • 10-24 - 37.12%
  • 25-44 - 22.92%
  • 45-64 - 14.45%
  • over 64 - 5.91% 

Ampara District is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multicultural in nature. In addition to the large numbers of Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils, and Muslims, there are also Burghers, Malays, Indian Tamils, Chetties, and Bharathas. The religious groups are in the area shown below.

Source: District Planning Secretariat - Ampara (2004)