Human Development 

With a comprehensive vision of Human Development that includes the Individual, the family, the community, the nation and the world, the CPS promotes development with a focus on Education, Literacy, Service programs, Character Education, and Economic and Business Development. 

Leadership and Good Governance

The CPS carries out a wide range of programs to promote effective, principled leadership and governance within Families, Businesses, Governments, Religions, Educational Institutions and NGOs. 

Sports for Peace.

The CPS promotes and sponsors sporting events and competitions that contribute to peace.

Arts and Culture.

The CPS promotes and sponsors cultural programs and the arts as instruments of peace.


The CPS promotes programs that bring together media professionals and journalists to explore ways to contribute to peace. In addition, the Centre for Peace Studies promotes a wide range of “Peace Media” initiative


The CPS provides educational programs for all major sectors of society, including religious leaders, political leaders, the media, academics, jurists, business leaders, etc., introducing the ideals of God-centeredness and practices that contribute to peace and freedom. 

Service Programs

The CPS carries out service projects for peace, applying the principle of living for the sake of others